

While the head of the Natsuko group was preparing Leona's Hayaichi type, a mail order catalog came out from the cockpit.
Natsuo: "Remi mail order catalog?-What's this? [Someone and Mazaru-kun]?
The Natsuko group laughed and put the catalog on the spot.
Noriyuki "What is the group leader wanting?"
Noriyuki misunderstood and ordered [Someone and Mazaru-kun] in the Remi mail order catalog.
~ Several days later ~ _
Remi "[Someone and Mazaru-kun] Deliver Ssu ~~"
Natsuo: "Huh? Don't you ever ask?"
Remi: "Sussage is paid in advance! Thank you Ssu ~ ♪"
Natsuo: "What should I do? This mon ..."
Kate "[Someone and Mazaru-kun] Meaning is unknown ... so not interested ..."
Natsuo: "Kate ... I have only a bad feeling ..."
Kate "It seems good to press this button ... Kate will try ..."

Bon !!

Kate Natsushi, "Kate Natsushi tries to stab Inarisha in Noriyuki."

~ The rest of the story ~

Noriyuki "Why is this happening?"
